Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was put in place to help protect the accuracy and privacy of the data that CRAs use that belongs to you.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act Protects You By:

Your Rights

  • You must be notified if a credit or consumer report has been used against you with regards to:
  • Being denied employment, housing, credit, or anything else due to information found in your file

  • Those using the information must provide you with the details of the agency that gave them the information
  • You are entitled to have a copy of your own file, which you can request from any credit agency
  • You are entitled to get a free credit report every twelve months

  • You have the right to ask for your own credit score even if it should not be free
  • If you see any errors on your credit reports you can dispute them with the agency that provided the data to you
  • If you find mistakes on the reports, they should be removed or corrected
  • Data that’s over seven years old is considered out-of-date and isn’t allowed to be used in your report; bankruptcies over ten years old might not be reportable either
  • Access to information is limited to those that have a legitimate need
  • Employers require your written consent to access your consumer reports
  • You can sue the agency and in some cases the individual that violates the FCRA

These are just some of the protections in place for consumers. There might be more that vary by State. If you feel any of these, or other rights, have been violated, you need to contact us for case evaluation immediately.

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